Experts in welding.
With an experience of more than 35 years in the sector, Arístegui Maquinaria has become a worldwide reference.
At the moment we represent 15 brands from 8 European and North American countries.
Thanks to our multi-brand status, in addition to always being able to offer you the best solution for your needs, it helps us to have a wide variety of machines so that you can find everything under one roof.
The team of Aristegui Maquinaria, is a consolidated team with many years working in this sector, which allows us to know the problems and needs of customers, understand them and be able to recommend the best option at all times.
One of the features most valued by our customers is the after-sales service.

Our Mission
Advise at all times what is best for each client.
The experience acquired in these 40 years, have given our team extensive knowledge in plastic welding that allow us to understand and advise at all times what we consider to be the best for each client in various topics such as making installations, solving problems, choosing the best type of welding …